The Transit Workforce Center (TWC) is the Federal Transit Administration’s national technical assistance center for transit workforce development. TWC supports the workforce development needs of urban, suburban, tribal, and rural public transportation entities, with an overarching mission to assist the industry as it recruits, hires, trains, and retains the diverse workforce needed now and in the future. What We Do: - Technical assistance - Workforce strategic planning and support - Analysis of industry trends and data - Expertise on collaborative partnerships - Resources and best practices for the industry - Forums for peer-to-peer learning and exchanges on workforce development - Targeted training development Who We Serve: - US public transportation agencies that receive FTA Urban, Rural and Tribal Transit Formula Grants - Commuter rail agencies supported by FTA - National, state and regional transit associations - Public transportation labor unions - Nonprofits, educational institutions, community, and other partner organizations engaged in public transportation workforce development activities