South West Transit Association

2023 Legislator of the Year Award to Senator Bill Cassidy
MARCH 16, 2023
The South West Transit Association (SWTA) presented its 2023 Legislator of the Year Award to Senator Bill Cassidy (R - Louisiana) at its annual Bullfeathers Breakfast in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, March 14th. The award recognizes a U.S. Senator or Representative from the 8-state SWTA Region for outstanding commitment to legislation, policy and regulatory focus that support public transit providers across the SWTA Nation. Senator Cassidy's Senior Policy Advisor Ron Anderson accepted the award on the Senator's behalf.
Senator Cassidy was a key player in the ultimate passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law/Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act that led to record levels of investment in public transit systems nationwide. He also has supported projects improving vehicles, facilities and service for transit systems across Louisiana.
The Bullfeathers Breakfast commemorates SWTA's founding in 1980 by transit leaders in our region at the Capitol Hill restaurant that gives the event its name. Each year, SWTA members gather to share advocacy efforts and latest news in their states & communities and present the Legislator of the Year Award. Since 1980, SWTA has strengthened member’s ability to provide public transportation and mobility services across the region through education, communication, and advocacy.
“Senator Cassidy has provided tremendous leadership to support for transit systems in Louisiana and beyond,” said SWTA Chair Dinero’ Washington, President & CEO of SporTran in Shreveport, La., and President of the Louisiana Public Transportation Association. “We know with Senator Cassidy’s ability to find bipartisan solutions in Washington we have champion for improved mobility options in our communities.”
"Senator Cassidy's leadership in crafting a multi-year infrastructure bill that ultimately was passed by Congress in a very challenging legislative environment has delivered stable and growing funding for SWTA's members and transit providers everywhere," said SWTA Executive Director Rich Sampson. "We appreciate his strong commitment to meeting the needs of Louisianians and all Americans with reliable, effective and responsive public transportation.
SWTA is a regional transit association that serves eight states throughout the south, including Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas.