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South West Transit Association


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On Thursday, Aug. 29, 2024 the city will launch Sedona Shuttle Connect on-demand transit service

Rich Sampson

FTA's FY 24 Bus & Bus Facility Awards

More than $170 Million Awarded in 8-State SWTA Nation in FTA's FY 24 Bus & Bus Facility Awards

Rich Sampson

The new laws will raise as much as $200 million annually

The new laws will raise as much as $200 million annually

Rich Sampson

Sinema receives SWTA's annual legislative award

Rich Sampson

2024-2025 Board Members Elected

SWTA members elected members & officers of its Board of Directors for the 2024-2025 term.

Rich Sampson

Vehicle delivery completes 9-bus fleet for launch of RAPID NW service later this year

OKLAHOMA CITY – The final RAPID NW bus has rolled into EMBARK’s facility at 2000 S. May Ave. as of Monday, Sept. 18, completing the nine-bus fleet for central Oklahoma’s first RAPID Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) NW line that launches later this year.


Elections held at SWTA's 2023 Annual Conference

Rich Sampson

The Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS) launched a new on-demand transit service, CARTS Now, in Marble Falls on Monday, November 7.

Rich Sampson
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