South West Transit Association

Eagle Pass & Maverick County Form Eagle Pass Metropolitan Planning Organization
The City of Eagle Pass formed the Eagle Pass Metropolitan Planning Organization—the first in over 40 years in Texas. The newly established Eagle Pass Metropolitan Planning Organization was created by the State of Texas in recognition of the City of Eagle Pass and Maverick County, which have a combined population exceeding 50,000.
The mission of the Eagle Pass Metropolitan Planning Organization is “to establish transportation-related policies, identify current and future local transportation needs in collaboration with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), and propose and recommend projects across all transportation modes, including mass transit and active transportation, with a particular focus on freight. The EPMPO aims to identify and secure state and federal highway funding for transportation projects, such as public transportation services, highways, and bridges, benefiting Eagle Pass and Maverick County through the Texas Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, and the Federal Highway Administration.
The initial EPMPO Board of Directors is composed of Eagle Pass Mayor Rolando Salinas, Jr. as Chairman, Maverick County Judge Ramsey English Cantu as Vice-Chairman, Eagle Pass City Councilman Elias Diaz, Maverick County Commissioner Olga M. Ramos, Southwest Area Regional Transit District General Manager Sarah Hidalgo Cook. Texas Department of Transportation Laredo District Engineer Epigemio Gonzalez, and Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas Chairman Estavio Elizondo, Jr.
The Board of Directors will serve a two-year term and can be reappointed without any limitations on the number of terms. The Chairmanship of the Board will alternate every two years between the Mayor of Eagle Pass and the Judge of Maverick County. The new fiscal year for the EPMPO will align with the federal government’s calendar, running from October 1 to September 30 each year.
Placido Madera, the City of Eagle Pass's Community Planning Director, collaborated with state and federal partners to develop the new EPMPO bylaws and operational policies, which were adopted by the newly appointed Board of Directors on July 22.
The new governmental entity will hold public meetings on the second Wednesday of each month at 12 noon, with the possibility of rescheduling as needed.
SWART has been designated as the urbanized transit district, highlighting its essential role in coordinating and improving public transportation services in the region. This designation will enable SWART to effectively leverage funding and resources, ensuring that transportation projects meet the community’s needs. Additionally, SWART is recognized as the designated rural transit district covering the counties of Dimmit, Edwards, Kinney, La Salle, Maverick, Real, Uvalde, and Zavala.
Sarah Hidalgo-Cook, General Manager, stated, "This has been a long time coming, and SWART has done its best to prepare for this change. We expected the urbanized designation in 2010. It's been a 20-year wait, but we are ready and up for the challenge."
SWART has diligently prepared for the transition to urbanized status in Eagle Pass by conducting various feasibility studies, regional needs assessments, and route analyses, all guided by TxDOT’s Public Transportation Division (PTN). This proactive approach ensures that SWART is equipped to meet the evolving transportation needs of the community.