South West Transit Association

SWTA Awards 2024 Legislator of the Year Award to Senator Sinema
Sinema receives SWTA's annual legislative award
Today, the South West Transit Association (SWTA) awarded Senator Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) with its 2024 Legislator of the Year Award at its annual Bullfeathers Breakfast on Capitol Hill (sponsored by Complete Coach Works). SWTA, which traces its origin to a meeting of transit agency leaders at Bullfeathers restaurant in 1980, presents the award each year to a member of Congress who has demonstrated leadership in support of public transit systems in SWTA's 8-state region and nationwide.
The award was presented by SWTA Chair Kendra McGeady of Pelivan Transit in Oklahoma and SWTA Executive Director Rich Sampson. Samantha Edwards of Senator Sinema's staff was on hand to accept the award on the Senator's behalf.
"Senator Sinema has supported continued investment in public transit systems across Arizona during her tenure in Congress and worked across the aisle with Senator Moran of Kansas to support an increase in funding through the federal Small Transit Intensive Cities (STIC) program benefiting transit providers in small urban areas nationwide that eventually became part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)," says SWTA Executive Director Rich Sampson. "Her willingness to stand up for transit in Washington and find bipartisan solutions make her an excellent recipient for this award."
“By working side by side with Arizona transit experts and local leaders, we’ve delivered historic investments strengthening public transportation safety, access, and efficiency. It’s an honor to receive this award,” said Sinema, co-author and lead negotiator of the bipartisan infrastructure law.
SWTA is a nonprofit membership association that represents more than 100 transit providers across an eight-state region (Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas) along with another 200 business members supporting the transit industry. Our mission is to strengthen our members' ability to provide public transportation and mobility services across the region through education, communication and advocacy.